Bringing economic and social development to the borderlands.
euroborder - Commissioner

The Commission of

"european border connections that are fair and good"

Serving communities across regions euroborder promotes
international co-operation and understanding with 
sustainable local travel connections that enable
the participation of everyone in the economy.

Euroborder is commissioned to achieve social
and a green, sustainable economy.

Fair and good Public transport
is a vital government responsibility.

Ideed much of the industrial decline that began with
the closure of local railway lines has grown leading to
high unemployment and excesive dependence on private cars.

Regions which have experienced de-industrialisation
(for example railway line or shipping route cutbacks)
would benefit from increased trade and social inclusion.

The excellent local sea connections from Britain enable sustainable
travel overseas because a ship uses much less fuel to transport a passenger
than does a jet aircraft. Therefore international travel by rail and ship
can be popular and enjoyed by all with no unsustainable damage to
the environment. The economic prospects of port and border towns
will be improved and travel by rail and ship is especially suitable
for families enabling an international upbringing with
the oppoptunity to develop foreign language skills.

Public transport brings social mobility and social cohesion because it
enables people to travel to work and study without the need to own a car.

Public transport also contributes to safer comunities without the risk of
road accidents and therefore saves public money on hospital admissions.

These key industries that provided a lifeline betwen nations sustained
life on the borders and need urgently reopening to bring local prosperity.

We promote the reopening of all border railways and sea conections
for a balanced economy and sensible approach to work and life.
Business travel by rail and sea is more reliable and more
flexible than flying and with direct conections across borders by
local trains is even more reliable than depending on congested hubs.

With our whole family approach we attract top
exectutives and their families to a wide range of leisure facilities
(cruise ferries, spas, golf courses, family attraction parks, hotels, etc.)

We would like to offer you a peaceful and comfortable way to visit the 
UK and travel around europe. While the borders have been lowered to
allow, in principle, for the free movement of labour, goods and capital
many borders are still efectively closed by limited public transport conections.

Therefore we promote a better way of travel within the UK and individual
countries by
reopening the excellent tram, railway and shippng services.

Please click on the links to find the most convenient connections.

We are happy to promote local business, for example, guesthouses,
hotels, restaurants, public swimming pools, local councils and
we hope our service helps local business to grow.

Please send us your border public travel conection projects
for publication and promotion.

With very best wishes for a bright green future,
Please email your questions and sugestions, thank you.
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